Please God take me away with you

Please God, please take me away with you. I want to go to heaven, I want to be happy, I just want to lay in your arms forever I want you to hug me and protect me I want to be by your side I'm not happy in this world I know you gave me this life for something but I just can't figure it out I just want to die and go with you I don't want to live anymore because even though I have everything I need I just can't be happy and I know that if you take me if you make me die and if you take me to heaven with you I will be happy for the eternity I can't commit suicide because I can't take away what you gave me I can't just give you back this present I just can't and then I would go to hell if I get rid of my life but I can't stand it anymore I'm begging you please please please take me where there's no sadness where there's joy forever please God take me

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